100 | 100 Things to Let Go Of for More Simplicity, Success, and Sanity

100 | 100 Things to Let Go Of for More Simplicity, Success, and Sanity

Update: 2025-02-25


For the full transcript, notes, links, and more, go to:  https://simplysquaredaway.com/100

We made it to 100 episodes! 🎉

I can’t believe I’m saying this. Whether you've been here from the beginning or this is your first time listening—THANK YOU. Every download, share, and message has meant the world to me.

When I started this podcast, my goal was to help coaches and business owners simplify and systemize—to take the skills I used as a professional organizer and apply them to online businesses. And now, here we are, 100 episodes later, diving into one of the most important themes in organization: letting go.

Letting go of:

✔ Physical and digital clutter

✔ Time-wasting habits

✔ Overcomplicated workflows

✔ Mindset blocks that keep us stuck

And so much more. In this episode, we’re tackling 100 things to let go of so you can create more space, clarity, and freedom in your life and business. But don’t worry, I’m not rattling off a list of 100 things—I’ve broken them into 10 categories and added personal stories to bring them to life. See the full list below.

Pick a few that resonate with you, commit to releasing them, and then tag me on Instagram and share what you’re letting go of!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

✔ The surprising way physical clutter keeps you mentally stuck

✔ The digital clutter stealing your time and focus (hello, 100 open tabs 🙈)

✔ Business habits that slow your growth and keep you overwhelmed

✔ The perfectionism trap and how to release it

✔ How to free yourself from mindset blocks and emotional clutter

✔ Why saying no is the ultimate productivity hack

Ready to organize your business's digital files? To learn the ONLY 5 file folders you need, go to: https://simplysquaredaway.com/5files

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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100 | 100 Things to Let Go Of for More Simplicity, Success, and Sanity

100 | 100 Things to Let Go Of for More Simplicity, Success, and Sanity

Tracy Hoth | Certified Life Coach, Professional Organizer, Systems Specialist

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